Mozilla Build Problems - make attempt log included

Gerrit P. Haase
Wed Jan 21 07:25:00 GMT 2004

Hallo Igor,

Am Dienstag, 20. Januar 2004 um 17:55 schriebst du:

>> sh /home/default/mozilla/build/cygwin-wrapper -up /bin/perl

I believe that this cygwin-wrapper is broken.  I tried already to
build Mozilla on top of Cygwin and ran into problems there too, so I
decided to remove the wrapper fuzz completly, which works fine in the
first place.  However, I'm getting compilation errors later then.

> Perhaps "man cygpath" will be enlightening.

For sure, the wrapper script needs to be fixed and probably also some
defines for Cygwin in the hard coded configure and the hard coded
Makefiles need to be fixed.

I would really love to see them using the autotool chain to build


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