non-widget child "DropSiteManager" error (WAS: RE: Grace (xmgrace) 5.1.12-1 ... )

Atwood, Robert C
Wed Jan 21 11:29:00 GMT 2004

> Is this documented somewhere?
What does *this* mean :^D?
*fulmination removed*

Umm ... is there a place where it says 'Here is how you build a Cygwin
package from the source archive distributed via Cygwin setup. 1. Unpack
the archive 2. There will be a script called <package><release>.sh  3.
Run this script with (one of) the followign arguments: prep , build,
all, (etc.) 4. Here is what each of the arguments do. ... 5. this
produces an archive, unpack this as follows.... 6. anything else. 

Also I believe the following addition to the script would probably save
some people (like me) much headache ... suitably filled in where blank,
I don't quite get what all the different options are for.

# print a brief help message
   echo "Cygwin installation script $0 "
echo "<special instructions for this particular package if necessary?>"
echo " Options: "
echo "   help: Print this message. "
echo "   prep: Prepare the Cygwin patched version of the source. "
echo "   mkdirs: Make the directory heirarchy needed. ?... "
echo "   conf:   Run the configure script with suggested options for
Cygwin "
echo "   build:  Compile the package from the source code "
echo "   check:   "
echo "   clean:  Remove files produced by configuring and building "
echo "   install: "
echo "   strip:  Remove extra symbols from the compiled package "
echo "   package: "
echo "   pkg: "
echo "   mkpatch: "
echo "   src-package: "
echo "   spkg: "
echo "   finish: "
echo "   sigfile: "
echo "   checksig: "
echo "   all:    "

# end
case $1 in
  help) help; STATUS=$?;;
  prep)	prep ; STATUS=$? ;;
  mkdirs)	mkdirs; STATUS=$? ;;
  conf)		conf ; STATUS=$? ;;
  build)	build ; STATUS=$? ;;
  check)	check ; STATUS=$? ;;
  clean)	clean ; STATUS=$? ;;
  install)	install ; STATUS=$? ;;
  strip)	strip ; STATUS=$? ;;
  package)	pkg ; STATUS=$? ;;
  pkg)	pkg ; STATUS=$? ;;
  mkpatch)	mkpatch ; STATUS=$? ;;
  src-package)	spkg ; STATUS=$? ;;
  spkg)		name=$0 text="SCRIPT" sigfile; spkg ; STATUS=$? ;;
  finish)	finish ; STATUS=$? ;;
  sigfile)	sigfile ; STATUS=$? ;;
  checksig)	checksig ; STATUS=$? ;;
  all) prep && conf && build && install && \
     strip && pkg && name=$0 text="SCRIPT" sigfile && spkg && \
     finish && echo All finished! ; \
	  STATUS=$? ;;
  *) echo "Error: bad arguments" ; exit 1 ;;

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