XFree86-xserv 4.3.0-42, Alt Gr, clipboard, accents...

Philippe Auclair Philippe.Auclair@diamant.jouy.inra.fr
Thu Jan 22 16:50:00 GMT 2004


I have updated to version 4.3.0-42 of XFree86-xserv. I am using Windows XP
and a French keyboard.

Here are the results:
Alt Gr key works with the standard startxwin.sh for Sun Solaris 9 clients,
but not for Solaris 7 clients.
For Solaris 7 clients, "setxkbmap fr" changes nothing, neither does a
/etc/X11/XF86Config file.
For Solaris 7 clients, I run xmodmap with these commands:

clear Mod5
keycode 113 = Mode_switch
add Mod3 = Mode_switch

keycode 10 = ampersand 1
keycode 11 = eacute 2 asciitilde
keycode 12 = quotedbl 3 numbersign
keycode 13 = apostrophe 4 braceleft
keycode 14 = parenleft 5 bracketleft
keycode 15 = minus 6 bar
keycode 16 = egrave 7 grave
keycode 17 = underscore 8 backslash
keycode 18 = ccedilla 9 asciicircum
keycode 19 = agrave 0 at
keycode 20 = parenright degree bracketright
keycode 21 = equal plus braceright
In order to copy and paste text between X clients and Windows programs, I
still have to specify
"-clipboard" in the XWin command of the startxwin.sh script (it is not yet
the standard argument).

Selected text in X clients now stays highlighted.
The accented characters on the French keyboard work correctly: e-acute,
e-grave, c-cedilla, a-grave, u-grave.

The accented characters obtained by pressing first the accent (circumflex,
diaresis) and then the letter work for cygwin X clients, for not for Solaris
7 or Solaris 9 X clients.

The accented characters with tilde work for the cygwin shell, but not for
cygwin or Solaris X clients.

I haven't included the accented characters because the message gets blocked,
considered as Spam!

Thanks to Harold for all the work!

Philippe Auclair
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
Unité Centrale Informatique de Jouy
Domaine de Vilvert, 78352 Jouy-en-Josas CEDEX, France
tel +33 1 34 65 26 95, fax +33 1 34 65 24 03

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