hotkey problem

Tue Jan 27 14:30:00 GMT 2004


I'm trying to configure 'control+F1' to print out a string on my x-app.
I'm able to print out the string using Xautomation:

/usr/local/bin/xte "str LAHSO NOT AUTHORIZED"

And I'm able to run a script when I press 'Control+F1' using xbindkeys.

What I can't do is get the string to print when xbindkeys runs my script to 
issue the xte command above. I know that xbindkeys is running the script but 
for some reason the output from xte seems to go somewhere else because it's 
not showing up on my x-app!

I realise that these have nothing to do with Cygwin-Xfree but I wondered 
whether anyone had managed to set up hotkeys like this which would print out 
a string to their x-app when they pressed a certain key combination?

I know you can do something like this with xrdb and in your .Xdefaults have 
the entry:

xterm*VT100.Translations: \n\
Ctrl <Key>F1: string("LAHSO NOT AUTHORISED")

but the problem here is that the app we're using doesn't seem to speak xrdb 
and in any case the vendor refuses to tell us whether it has key mapping 
functionality like that with xterm above because they only support Exceed.

Anyway, would appreciate any help on this.



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