cygwin-X: bits of .Xdefaults selectively ignored
Sat Jan 31 12:22:00 GMT 2004

When starting rxvt after XWin -multiwindow, most of ~/.Xdefaults is picked
up (such as rxvt*background, rxvt*foreground, rxvt*color10, rxvt*geometry
and many more) but, whatever I try, I can't get it to implement

    rxvt*font: Lucida Console-14

though this, and all the other instructions, are successfully read
identified and enacted in rxvt in non-X mode. Any help / ideas?

PS. Despite several efforts to identify the rules going on here, I can find
no easy way of defining/ guessing/ forecasting which fonts from the Windows
provision rxvt will understand, and which not.

Thank you.


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