Highlighting and pasting problems between xterm windows

David extasia@gmail.com
Wed Jul 7 00:10:00 GMT 2004


Sometimes when I highlight text in xterm window A and attempt to paste
it in xterm window B, window A dies.  Other times, window A doesn't
die, but when I go to paste in window B, nothing gets pasted.  And
sometimes it seems to work correctly.

If I highlight something at the top of an xterm window and then
execute "clear" (i.e., you can't scroll back to find the highlighted
text), when I go to paste it, nothing is in the buffer.

If I select a font using xfontsel and go to an xterm window and try to
change the window's font using ctrl and the right mouse button and
choosing "Selection" I can't change the font.  It's as if there was
nothing in the buffer.

What might I do so that I can do these things and have them exhibit
the expected behavior?


P.S.  I've attached my configuration information.
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