Looking for help

Armbrust, Daniel C. Armbrust.Daniel@mayo.edu
Tue Jul 20 21:21:00 GMT 2004

 > - export DISPLAY=:0.0  # otherwise ssh won't start X forwarding

You don't have to do this.  

The easiest way to set this up for a machine you connect to all the time is to edit the end of your cygwin/usr/X11R6/bin/startxwin.bat file to look like this:

<scroll down past all of the comments (REM prefixed lines) where it documents all the options>

start XWin  -multiplemonitors -clipboard
run xterm -geometry 80x24+0+0 -sb -leftbar -e ssh MACHINEADDRESS /bin/bash --login -c gnome-session

This causes you to launch a local xterm, which then executes the command ssh - which connects to the remote server, and executed gnome-session.

Change "gnome-session" to "startkde" if you want kde instead of gnome.

Ps - I also have this line in my "/home/username/.ssh/config" file:
ForwardX11 yes

And then I set up my ssh keys so that I don't have to type in my password to connect to this machine for details.

See http://armbrust.dyndns.org:81/tips_content/ssh.html


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