winProcSetSelectionOwner - OpenClipboard () failed
Thu Jul 29 17:33:00 GMT 2004


Connected to a Linux machine using the 'X -query', i'm experiencing a
problem whose symptom is that the mouse becomes invisible. This  happens
regularly since a few day now. I can remain connected for hours without
any trouble and suddenly the mouse disappear. The only way to get it
back again is to kill and restart the 'X -query' command.

I don't know if it's related or not but looking into XWin.log when this
happen i can see a bunch of the following message:

winProcSetSelectionOwner - OpenClipboard () failed: 00000578

I attached XWin.log as XWin_log.txt and the output of
cygcheck -srv as cygcheck_log.txt

Any hints would be appreciated.
Thank You in advance.
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