Cygwin and X

Brian Ford
Mon Jun 14 20:53:00 GMT 2004

On Mon, 14 Jun 2004, Erik Abrahamsson wrote:

> Hi! I am not sure I am doing this right, I hope this is the right forum
> now... Forgive me if it's not!

Others have objected to my classification of your post.  I still think
this is a more appropriate forum since you are asking X related questions.
But, it is bordering on off topic for this list as well since you are
asking about third party software.

> Also, top posting or not? What's "on" here?

Bottom or inlined.

> Personally I hate "bottom posting"...Sorry folks!

I personally don't care about this style issue.

> I choose not to include the previous post here. Is that OK?

I already sent it here, so it shouldn't matter.

What's with the tiny line wrapping though?

> - I knew I would get a "the DISPLAY parameter isn't right and you need
> to specify the problem"-reply... I've been around in other forums, so I
> know the drill... :-p

Ok, so why didn't you :-p?

> 1. Yes, I have read about the DISPLAY parameter. Unfortunately I looked
> everywhere for one. Where is it and how do I set it to 0, or any other
> value that might be correct?

It's an environment variable.  Look at a basic X FAQ since this is not
Cygwin related.


export DISPLAY=locahost:0.0

> 2. The problem is that Cygwin can't find the X-server.

Ok, what does that mean?

> I don't get any error messages. Starting Cygwin with or without a
> x-server (not Cygwin/X) running results in just the same thing.

Which is?

> Running Cygwin/X works fine,

Which means?

> apart from an 100% CPU usage, as described in in the FAQ. Running
> Cygwin/X *and* another x-server, such as Exceed, causes problems, such
> as dissaparing cursors and the like.

Ah..., now were at least getting a little bit of information.

> I'm sorry, I can't describe it better than that.

Then, I can't help more than this.  You haven't even stated what
applications you are having problems with.

> 3. Of course, since that the problem is caused by a firewall (as
> described in the FAQ) I could disable that. But, as I am sitting on an
> unprotected university network, it takes about 30 seconds for my XP
> machine to be hacked. Do not think I have not tried that one already.
> And it's not funny!

Can't you disable it for connections to localhost?

> If this isn't a common problem with a simple solution, I don't think
> I'll manage to fix it. I don't know enough about the stuff to write my
> own config files and things.

We have no idea since you have done very little to describe the problem.

> Thank you, again, for any help I can get.

Try reading again.

Brian Ford
Senior Realtime Software Engineer
VITAL - Visual Simulation Systems
FlightSafety International
the best safety device in any aircraft is a well-trained pilot...

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