Compile of gtk243 on cygwin fails at configure

Maarten Boekhold
Sat Jun 19 11:51:00 GMT 2004

Guy Stalnaker wrote:

> Gtk+ has three prereqs: glib, pango, and atk.  I downloaded the src 
> from the gtk web site.  Pango compiles and installs successfully.  atk 
> compiles and installs successfully.  glib compiles and installs 
> successfully.  I used --prefix=/usr for all of them.  gtk+ fails on 
> the configure pass however with an error:

I'm having partial success with GTK+ 2 as well, and I managed to get 
around the "undefined reference" that you list below:

> /home/GuyStalnaker/installers/gtk+-2.4.3/conftest.c:75: undefined 
> reference to `_atk_object_get_type'

I am installing under /usr/local, and I had to do:
    export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/X11R6/lib/pkgconfig
This is so that pango knows to build the Xft target as well, which is 
required for GTK+ under X11.

As well, I had to edit /usr/X11R6/lib/pkgconfig/xcursor.pc and comment 
out the "Requires: xrender"  line, as there is no .pc file for xrender 
on my system, and this confuses pkg-config. Note that if you previously 
installed any of the glib/atk/pango, you will probably have to delete 
any installed files to get the compile to succeed again.

However, I still can't get GTK+ to build correctly. It fails in 
configure when trying to detect ATK with:

This seems to be caused by the fact that ATK didn't install any shared 
libraries (i.e. there is no /usr/local/bin/cygatk-1.0.dll on my system). 
>From the compilation of ATK:

/bin/bash ../libtool --mode=link gcc  -g -O2 -Wall  -L/usr/local/lib -o -rpath /usr/local/lib -version-info 600:0:600  
atkaction.lo atkcomponent.lo atkdocument.lo atkeditabletext.lo 
atkgobjectaccessible.lo atkhyperlink.lo atkhypertext.lo atkimage.lo 
atknoopobject.lo atknoopobjectfactory.lo atkobject.lo 
atkobjectfactory.lo atkregistry.lo atkrelation.lo atkrelationset.lo 
atkselection.lo atkstate.lo atkstateset.lo atkstreamablecontent.lo 
atktable.lo atktext.lo atkutil.lo atkvalue.lo atk-enum-types.lo 
-Wl,--export-dynamic -L/usr/local/lib -lgobject-2.0 -lgmodule-2.0 
-lglib-2.0 -lintl -liconv   
libtool: link: warning: undefined symbols not allowed in i686-pc-cygwin 
shared libraries

Seems to me that libtool fails to build the shared library due to 
undefined symbols. I just wish it would tell me *which* symbols are 
undefined though. The config/log doesn't contain any additional information.

Anybody knows how to get shared ATK libraries?


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