Differnce between Xfree and Xorg

Pille Geert (bizvdm) geert.pille@vandemoortele.com
Tue Jun 22 06:27:00 GMT 2004

Does "lsof" exist for cygwin?  He could use that to find what is using that address.

-----Original Message-----
From: Alexander Gottwald
Sent: maandag 21 juni 2004 13:34
To: cygwin-xfree@cygwin.com
Subject: Re: Differnce between Xfree and Xorg

On Mon, 21 Jun 2004, aroushdi wrote:

> Hi Alex , it gives Xserver: failed to bind to -from address: icc68651 
> (Address already in use)

Normally this just means there is already a program using this address.
I'm not sure if this applies to your case too or if this is an error
in the cygwin layer. 

I'm sorry to say this, but you are on your own with this. I have no clue 
how to trace this down without being able to reproduce the bug.

 http://www.gotti.org           ICQ: 126018723

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