X-start-menu-icons fix or workaround?

Geoffrey M. Romer gromer@cs.hmc.edu
Tue Jun 22 20:17:00 GMT 2004

The X-start-menu-icons package appears to be broken- the xterm and emacs
shortcuts (among others) do not work. I've found a bunch of emails in the
archive asking about this problem, but they generally seem to go
unanswered. The clearest discussion I can find of the problem is in a post
by Harold L Hunt II on April 1 (archived at
http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-xfree/2004-04/msg00046.html), where he asked
for someone to fix it, but apparently got no response.

- Is there any expectation of this problem being fixed in the near future?
- If not, is there any workaround I can apply in order to launch those
  apps from the start menu (e.g. manually setting an appropriate command
  line and "Start in" for those shortcuts)?
_ Failing that, I've found some screenshots that seem to indicate that the
  X taskbar icon has (had?) menu entries for launching certain X apps. How
  can I activate this functionality?

Any responses would be much appreciated.

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