Problems with XDMCP connection

Anton Hattendorf
Tue Mar 2 09:13:00 GMT 2004


I've got some Problems with Cygwin using XDMCP. I'm try to connect to an kdm. 
After caling XWin.exe -query just an X appears and disappears 
some minutes later. 
On the kdm-host I found the follwing in kdm.log:
Xlib: connection to "" refused by server
Xlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key
This message appears five times for every connecting-attempt.

I have tried useing the -from switch, but it didn't change anything. 

I tried to connect form the same host with XWin32 and from an Linux Box with 
XFree86 and both worked.

After that I sniffed a bit arround with ethereal and found something strange:
a working connection looks like this:
xfreehost -> kdmhost	XDMCP	Query
kdmhost -> xfreehost	XDMCP	Willing
xfreehost -> kdmhost	XDMCP	Request
kdmhost -> xfreehost	XDMCP	Accept (with cookie)
xfreehost -> kdmhost	XDMCP	Manage
xfreehost -> kdmhost	XDMCP	Manage
xfreehost -> kdmhost	XDMCP	Manage
kdmhost -> xfreehost	TCP	SYN
xfreehost -> kdmhost	TCP	SYN, ACK
kdmhost -> xfreehost	TCP	ACK
kdmhost -> xfreehost	X11	Initial Connection Request (with cookie)
xfreehost -> kdmhost	TCP	ACK
xfreehost -> kdmhost	TCP	Replies/events
kdmhost -> xfreehost	TCP	ACK

A connection useing Cygwin looks like this:
cygwinhost -> kdmhost	XDMCP	Query
cygwinhost -> kdmhost	XDMCP	Query
cygwinhost -> kdmhost	XDMCP	Query
kdmhost -> cygwinhost	XDMCP	Willing
cygwinhost -> kdmhost	XDMCP	Request
cygwinhost -> kdmhost	XDMCP	Request
cygwinhost -> kdmhost	XDMCP	Request
kdmhost -> cygwinhost	XDMCP	Willing
cygwinhost -> kdmhost	XDMCP	Request
cygwinhost -> kdmhost	XDMCP	Request
kdmhost -> cygwinhost	XDMCP	Willing
kdmhost -> cygwinhost	XDMCP	Accept (with cookie)
kdmhost -> cygwinhost	XDMCP	Accept (with another cookie)
kdmhost -> cygwinhost	XDMCP	Accept (with another cookie)
cygwinhost -> kdmhost	XDMCP	Manage
kdmhost -> cygwinhost	XDMCP	Accept (with another cookie)
kdmhost -> cygwinhost	XDMCP	Accept (with another cookie)
cygwinhost -> kdmhost	XDMCP	Manage
cygwinhost -> kdmhost	XDMCP	Manage
---- Theses two messages sometimes apper later (beetwen the TCP)
cygwinhost -> kdmhost	XDMCP	Manage
cygwinhost -> kdmhost	XDMCP	Manage
cygwinhost -> kdmhost	XDMCP	Manage
---- This block apears five times 
kdmhost -> cygwinhost	TCP	SYN
cygwinhost -> kdmhost	TCP	SYN, ACK
kdmhost -> cygwinhost	TCP	ACK
kdmhost -> cygwinhost	X11	Initial Connection Request (with last cookie)
cygwinhost -> kdmhost	TCP	Replies/events ("Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key")
cygwinhost -> kdmhost	TCP	FIN, ACK
kdmhost -> cygwinhost	TCP	ACK
kdmhost -> cygwinhost	TCP	FIN, ACK
cygwinhost -> kdmhost	TCP	ACK
---- the last message
kdmhost -> cygwinhost	XDMCP	Failed

Can someone explain, why cygwin sends three Querys, and five requests 

Has someone an idea?


P.S.: If someone ist interested in the Ethereal log Files - just ask (about 10 

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