Xwin crashing

James D Below James.Below@grc.nasa.gov
Thu Mar 11 16:16:00 GMT 2004

Hi Everyone,

I'm having a problem where Xwin hangs/locks up while actively using 
it(vi,ssh,etc).  When this occurs, the keyboard and mouse are unresponsive 
when Cygwin/X is the active desktop. I can Alt-Tab to get back to a windows 
desktop.  I have also tried different window managers (twm mwm windowmaker, 
even kde) without any success in tracking down the problem.

I have updated my cygwin installation to the current version include 
xfree8-xserv version 4.3.0-52.

I'm at a loss to what may be causing this so, I've attached my XWin.log and 
the last 100 lines of an "strace -o strace.log xinit /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc 
-- usr/X11R6/bin/X" for review. I included a ps -ea at the bottom of 

I can send in a cygcheck if necessary.

Anyone have any ideas on what may be the culprit or how to troubleshoot 
this further?

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James Below                      Phone - 216-433-6508
RS Information Systems, Inc.     Email - James.Below@grc.nasa.gov
NASA Glenn Research Center
21000 Brookpark Road
Mailstop 142-1
Cleveland, OH 44135

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