x-start-menu-icons doesn't install on a W2K german OS

Harold L Hunt II huntharo@msu.edu
Sun Mar 14 04:55:00 GMT 2004

I think I have half of a fix for this (will need it to be tested, the 
sooner the better).  The script was using 'cygpath -A -P' to save the 
path to the icon folder in a shell variable.  I figured it might be 
better to instead pass '-A -P' to mkshortcut directly, since it can 
handle those paths; this may avoid the problem entirely, but I won't 
know until someone tests it.

There will still be a remaining problem though: icon removal will still 
fail.  See, mkshortcut doesn't remove shortcuts, and I don't think there 
is a utility in cygutils that does.  So, those that are interested in 
this would either have to add a parameter to mkshortcut to have it 
remove a shortcut, or they would have to create a new utility based on 
mkshortcut (e.g. 'rmshortcut') that would facilitate removal of icons in 
non-US locales.

I'll be released X-start-menu-icons-1.1.0-1 shortly.  Please test it and 
report as soon as possible.


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