Garbled task-bar icon
Tue Mar 16 06:03:00 GMT 2004

Hi Nahor,

From: Nahor <nahor at bravobrava dot com>
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 09:29:04 -0800
::> Unfortunately, I use Windows NT4.0SP6 with Intel 810 graphics controller
::> and Intel drivers, so nothing seems to match your description. :-(
::> But, I'm beginning to think that it may be a driver problem,
::> because I'm the only one who seems to be having any problem with it.
::> I'll see if any driver updates are available.
::You can try to boot in safe mode. That will use the default VGA driver 
::without any HW acceleration. If the icon is still garbled, it's either a 
::problem with NT itself or with the icon.
::Also, you can try to install Mozilla FireFox or Mozilla Thunderbird and 
::see if their icon works. If they work, the issue is in my icon. If not, 
::you'll have to wait for Earle's patch to land.

I tried booting my system with VGA mode, and icon is still garbled.
I also tried installing FireFox that seems to work just fine.

Another data point that I found are, if I setup shortcut to the XWin.exe
binary then try changing the icon for the shortcut, icon select window
show both garbled icon and X on white icon.
I've attached the screen dump as: icon_select.bmp.gz

Thanks in advance,
           _ _    Munehiro (haro) Matsuda
 -|- /_\  |_|_|   Kubota Graphics Technology Inc.
 /|\ |_|  |_|_|   2-8-8 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku Tokyo 160-0022, Japan
                  Tel: +81-3-3225-0767  Fax: +81-3-3225-0740
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