X/Cygwin icon proposal

Nahor nahor@bravobrava.com
Thu Mar 18 18:15:00 GMT 2004

Alexander Gottwald wrote:
> It looks good in the tray and taskbar, but not in the titlebar. (see attached 
> images)

You forgot to attach it... ok, got the other mail.

> If you can build ico files with both alpha and non-alpha icons why not include
> your version with alpha channel and for non-alpha either the boxed (which I liked)
> or a plain two-color variant.

The issue is not (or not yet at least) about the non-alpha part being 
ugly, they are about the same than the old xwin icon. The problem is 
when a non-alpha system try to use the alpha-icon. Then you get that fat 
white line around the X or the garbled icon on NT (I assume).
So putting the white square for the non-alpha would not fix anything if 
the system doesn't select it over the 32b icon.

ok, from your images, your system at least uses the non-alpha icons. 
What color resolution is your monitor at?

> cygwin is unix. unix is simple (shell and stuff) and this is the opposite 
> of the bubble-gum os WinXP with alpha channel. 

Uh? I don't get your point. I personally don't buy a machine just to run 
unix. I use it to do other stuff (mostly compilation) that do make use 
of CPU power. So I have a recent machine, so I have XP. I assume that 
quit a dew (most?) geeks using Cygwin/XFree would be in the same case. 
But it's just a guess.


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