Antwort: Clipboard fix - Please test

Harold L Hunt II
Thu Mar 25 18:38:00 GMT 2004


Ben Jackson wrote:

> Yep, this stop's things from hanging indefinitely (ie they now only hang for
> 3 secs) but after the 3 secs it still doesn't paste into the app. This is
> only broken for pasting from X->Windows and NOT vice versa. Win->X is fine
> (as is X->X) and works a treat, but X->win hangs for 3 seconds ...
> I guess this is an improvement, but doesn't resolve the issue of it not
> pasting the text. 

Well, that wasn't the goal, was it?  :)

The first part of this problem is that I need more detailed information 
from people about what apps are causing problems.  In fact, I really 
need a package that is freely available on debian unstable that I can 
install and have an easily reproducible test case with.  I'll leave that 
legwork to the folks affected by this since I have been unable to 
reproduce it until now.

We may just find out that the X app that owned the selection no longer 
has the data and that we need to clear the bit that says X owns the 
clipboard contents.  The apps having trouble may be notifying us of 
their relinquished ownership in a way that is either not handled by us 
or not reliably handled by us.

Waiting for a test case,


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