lesstif 0.93.94 and the "attempt to add non-widget ..." error

Volker Quetschke quetschke@scytek.de
Tue Mar 30 00:16:00 GMT 2004

In order to burn a few minutes and debug a grace (lesstif) problem
(See thread "Grace (xmgrace) 5.1.12-1  graph program --  ...") I
rebuild lesstif-0.93.94-1.

A few patches were needed to use the build script, see the
attached patch. (It also contains a slight modification to
use autoreconf, proposed by Brian Ford)

BUT it didn't help. When I build grace with lesstif-0.93.94
(selfbuild or the testversion installed with setup) and
start xmgrace I get this:

--- snip ---
$ grace-5.1.14/src/xmgrace.exe
Warning: XmManager ClassInitialize: XmeTraitSet failed

Error: attempt to add non-widget child "DropSiteManager" to parent 
"xmgrace" which supports only widgets
--- snip ---

Using the same xmgrace.exe but downgrading to lesstif 0.93.91-6
I can start grace. !?

The lesstif faq <http://www.lesstif.org/FAQ.html#QU3.0> claims that
this error stems from using the wrong order of linker flags, but I
guess that 0.93.94 fails and 0.93.91 works contradicts this.

The linker flags are: "../Xbae/Xbae/libXbae.a -lXm -lXpm -lXp -lXmu
  -lXt -lXext -lX11  -lSM -lICE  ../cephes/libcephes.a
  ../T1lib/libt1.a  -ltiff -ljpeg -lpng -lz -lm" (from the actual build)

Any ideas?


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