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derrick koonce gilikoth@streetrash.every1.net
Sat May 8 18:34:00 GMT 2004

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A customer sent an order to a distributor for a large amount of goods
totaling a great deal of money. The distributor, noted that the previous
bill hadn't been paid. The collections manager left a voice-mail for them
saying "We can't ship your new order until you pay for the last one."The
next day the collections manager received a collect phone call "Please
cancel the order.  We can't wait that long."
A woman went into a funeral home to make arrangements for her husband's
funeral. She told the director that she wanted her husband to be buried in a
dark blue suit. He asked, "Wouldn't it just be easier to bury him in the
black suit that he's wearing?""No," she insisted as she handed him a check
to buy a dark blue suit. "It must be blue."When she came back for the wake,
she saw her husband in the coffin, and he was wearing a beautiful blue suit.
She told the director how much she loved the suit and asked how much it
cost. He said, "Actually, it didn't cost anything. The funniest thing
happened. As soon as you left, another corpse was brought in wearing a blue
suit. I noticed that they were about the same size, and asked the other
widow if she would mind if her husband were buried in a black suit. She said
that was fine with her, so I switched the heads."
chokubai7kanritek02houzyun,ketsuban kite. 

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