cygwin-xfree Digest 21 May 2004 12:36:14 -0000 Issue 1440

Allen H. Nugent
Sun May 23 00:02:00 GMT 2004

> > I just tried reinstalling the whole X11 package set. Same result!

At 10:36 PM 21/05/04, Alexander.Gottwald wrote:

>Please start a bash shell and check if /usr/X11R6/bin is in the $PATH
>variable. Also check if /usr/X11R6/bin/cygX11-6.dll is existing

The BASH command "echo $PATH" gives:


so I suppose the path is OK (assuming that cygwin uses ":" to parse paths 
instead of ";" --- I'm very rusty on Unix). However, the file 
"cygX11-6.dll" is not present.


Allen H. Nugent
Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering
University of New South Wales
Sydney NSW 2052 Australia
Tel: +61 2 9385 3916 Fax: +61 2 9663 2108 

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