login differs between cygwin and cygwin/X

Alder PGDEHMKOKIMD@spammotel.com
Mon May 31 10:43:00 GMT 2004

I'm trying to set up Cygwin for the first time and have run into an 
access issue I can't resolve.  I RTFM, but being no expert in Unix I 
could not find what I needed to know, namely, how the login process 
differs for the same user between a bash login shell started on the X 
server, and one that is started without the X server.

The bash login shell on the X server starts up by sending this message 
before the command prompt appears:

	lstat(./kpsewhich) failed ...
	./kpsewhich: No such file or directory

The bash login shell without the X server starts up "normally".

The user in both cases is the same, so is it safe to conclude that file 
permissions are not the cause of this difference?

I've attached the output of "cygcheck -s -r -v" in the hopes that 
someone can spot the problem there.  In any case, I'd really appreciate 
some guidance on how to start debugging this issue.  Thanks.


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