Xming.exe comments

Øyvind Harboe oyvind.harboe@zylin.com
Wed Nov 10 13:55:00 GMT 2004

More comments:

- There is no Window title bar to drag the windows around by. (Perhaps this
is pointed out in the first Xming.exe post). It would be useful to have the ability
to drag the Windows around, even if "decorations" will not be implemented for a while
still. Is this related to "decoration"? My command line:

Xming -ac -fp tcp/fury:7100 -sp SecurityPolicy -co rgb -rootless

same result with:

Xming -ac -fp tcp/fury:7100 -sp SecurityPolicy -co rgb 

Øyvind Harboe
-------------- next part --------------
Welcome to the XWin X Server
Vendor: The Cygwin/X Project

Contact: cygwin-xfree@cygwin.com

XWin was started with the following command line:

Xming -ac -fp tcp/fury:7100 -sp SecurityPolicy -co rgb -rootless 

ddxProcessArgument - Initializing default screens
winInitializeDefaultScreens - w 1280 h 1024
winInitializeDefaultScreens - Returning
(==) FontPath set to "tcp/fury:7100"
(II) XF86Config is not supported
(II) See http://x.cygwin.com/docs/faq/cygwin-x-faq.html for more information
(++) FontPath set to "tcp/fury:7100"
(++) RgbPath set to "rgb"
(--) Setting autorepeat to delay=500, rate=31
(--) winConfigKeyboard - Layout: "00000414" (00000414) 
(--) Using preset keyboard for "Norwegian" (414), type "81"
(EE) Couldn't load XKB keymap, falling back to pre-XKB keymap
(--) 5 mouse buttons found
WaitForSomething(): select: errno=0
WaitForSomething(): select: errno=0
WaitForSomething(): select: errno=0
WaitForSomething(): select: errno=0
WaitForSomething(): select: errno=0
WaitForSomething(): select: errno=0
WaitForSomething(): select: errno=0
WaitForSomething(): select: errno=0
WaitForSomething(): select: errno=0
WaitForSomething(): select: errno=0
WaitForSomething(): select: errno=0
WaitForSomething(): select: errno=0
WaitForSomething(): select: errno=0
WaitForSomething(): select: errno=0
WaitForSomething(): select: errno=0
WaitForSomething(): select: errno=0
WaitForSomething(): select: errno=0
WaitForSomething(): select: errno=0
WaitForSomething(): select: errno=0
WaitForSomething(): select: errno=0
WaitForSomething(): select: errno=0
WaitForSomething(): select: errno=0
WaitForSomething(): select: errno=0
WaitForSomething(): select: errno=0
WaitForSomething(): select: errno=0
WaitForSomething(): select: errno=0

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