XWin -multiwindow and XEmacs/gnuclient -- cannot get autoraise

Alexander Gottwald Alexander.Gottwald@s1999.tu-chemnitz.de
Sat Nov 13 11:55:00 GMT 2004

Harold Bamford wrote:

> I tried this using XWin without the builtin window manager (using twm or mwm
> as the window manager) and then autoraise seems to work. But this is not a
> good environment for me as I need constant access to both the X windows and
> the PC.
> I have done quite a bit of searching of the web and FAQs and manual pages and
> cannot find this even mentioned. So either it is so obvious that no-one could
> possibly need it explained, or it has just never come up. Or I used the wrong
> keywords in the searches.

It seems this feature has not been implemented in the internal window manager.

> So, what's the secret to getting this to work?

There are basicly 3 possible ways

- wait until someone has the time to dig up documentation how the autoraise
  should work and fixes that bug

- dig up the documentation yourself and report which window manager message
  should be handled

- fix it yourself

The fastest is most likely number two.

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