xorg installation fails, 99% complete only

bruno patin bruno.patin@wanadoo.fr
Sat Nov 13 15:11:00 GMT 2004

Good afternoon,
Due to the space limit, the files referenced are not al in this mail but 
in the following ones.
For the setup.log.full I was obliged to split the compressed file 
(setup.log.zip) by the command split -b 75000 setup.log.zip.
my new test:

I reload everything from the same server (see my setup.1 that speaks of it)

I intall from my local directory and arriving at (main panel of the 
setup window):


the process loops. At this step I cygcheck the system 
(cygcheck.out.before). Before cancelling, I had 990Mo and increasing of 
memory reserved. What is funny is that when you examine the processus 
list no one of them do reserve such an amount of memory.
After cancelling, I have exactly the same error (cannot open log file 
c:\cygwin/var/log/setup.log for writing). the process always loops as I 
have not click the ok button. I recorded an new cygcheck.out.after1
When clicking, there my memory is released (at last) and the 
cygcheck.out.after2 gives the status.

As before, no setup.log is created at all.

I launched again the setup with only some of the package (default for 
all except x11). This time, as in the tests before, it works and I 
completed my install. Here is setup.log and setup.log.full

What I really think is that it is setup that have a problem. There is on 
xp, sp2 something that grows with a kernel call.

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