Minimal replacement for Exceed

Boaz Harrosh
Sun Oct 31 08:08:00 GMT 2004 wrote:

>I want to find a replacement for Hummingbird Exceed.  I know that Cygwin includes an X server, but I'm not interested in all of Cygwin.  What would be the minimum I'd need to install to be able to run Cygwin/X?  In case it matters, I'd like to run the X server with the -multiwindow and -clipboard parameters.
Dear Amanda !
I have packed a Wise-Installer with a some-what minimal installation. It 
uses the windows fonts and this way saves 14M of fonts. It does include 
a full bash + utils and SSH so it is not as minimal as it can be. The 
Install.exe is about 12M.

I can send you the .exe but you will find that it has some specialized 
stuff  for the purpose it was made. (automatic connection to a Linux 
application server). I can also send you the files listing, and the wise 
script, so you can pack your own.

Free Life

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