Possible to change xserver root window title?

Curtis Reynolds reynolds-ce@satx.rr.com
Sun Sep 19 02:33:00 GMT 2004

Hi all...

I often have to have several remoteX connections to different linux
boxes. And frequently more than one connection to the same boxes using
different accounts. All the root windows have the title "Cygwin/X -
<X>:0". When I have enough remote sessions running, remembering which
display # is which session becomes virtually impossible. So I end up
having to flip through them until I find the one I need.

So, my question is....Is there any way to change the root window title
to reflect host/username? I guess more specifically is there any way to
change the root window title to whatever I want?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Curtis Reynolds <reynolds-ce@satx.rr.com>

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