PseudoColor "emulation" working.

Alexander Gottwald
Tue Sep 21 09:33:00 GMT 2004

On Tue, 21 Sep 2004, Sebastian wrote:

> Hey fellow developers,
> Following up my last post regarding pseudocolor emulation and my ideas to fix it, here's an update.
> I've modified the XWin server and running pseudocolor applications in an XWin window running ontop a 16/32bpp windows desktop is now possible, using shadow gdi rendering, it's however not possible to run both truecolor and pseudocolor apps at the same time.


> When using the -emulatepseudo flag, XWin now opens a window on the desktop with the same depth as the windows desktop however the shadow DIB that's allocated  is 8bpp and only a pseudocolor visual is created. BitBlt() (win32 function) does all the color conversion and the like.
> I haven't tested this thoroughly with different pseudocolor apps, just the one i had to get working.
> The ToDo-list mentions "Emulate PseudoColor on TrueColor" this is not what this modification does as it doesn't let you run truecolor apps simultaneously.
> What i plan to do next, in case of spare time, is to allocate both a 8bpp DIB and a truecolor DIB and point these to their corresponding visuals, let the applications draw to them, then BitBlt() the DIBs to the XWin window (using a different raster-operation code), dunno if this is possible but it's worth a shot.
> When not supplying the -emulatepseudo flag the server works just like before.
> Is there any interest to merge my changes into the XWin source-tree? Please supply information on how this can be done.

You could send me the patches and I'll review it and commit to CVS

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