Antwort: Clipboard fix - Please test

Morgan Nilsson
Tue Apr 12 09:31:00 GMT 2005


Not sure if there ever was a resolution to the clipboard issue.

I cannot copy from remote XEmacs (21.4.17 on Fedora Core3 server)
to my putty.exe (0.58 running on WinXP). I have xorg-x11-xwin

I can copy from Win->X but not from XEmacs to putty (hangs 3 secs). If I 
first copy into notepad and then (even without Ctrl-C) directly to putty 
it works.

/tmp/XWin.log says:
winProcessXEventsTimeout - Call to select () failed: 0.  Bailing.

I start X with: "run XWin -multiwindow -clipboard -silent-dup-error"

Are there any solution to get copy & paste working?

Something todo with PRIMARY and CLIPBOARD?
Can I configure XEmacs to do something to make copy and paste work?
Can I configure putty to do something to make copy and paste work?


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