setting default xterm colors

Carlo Florendo
Wed Apr 27 07:06:00 GMT 2005


Does anyone know a way to set xterm colors without using the -bg and -fg 
options all the time?    I know one way to do it would be to alias xterm 
in bash_profile such that the command always includes the bg and fg 
options every time it is invoked. Aliasing works for me but this is not 
what I want. 

I've exported TERM=xterm-color

Some sites say that .Xdefaults have to be set but it means I have to set 
the .Xdefaults for each and every user.  I would want users to read 
terminal settings from a global configuration file.  It seems that there 
is no such thing.

I've uncommented the necessary options from 
/usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/Xterm-color so that I get a light foreground 
over a dark background . In particular, the relevant section of 
/usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/Xterm-color now looks like:

$ cat /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/XTerm-color | more
#include "XTerm"

*VT100*colorMode: on
*VT100*boldColors: on
*VT100*dynamicColors: on

! Uncomment this for "white" text on a dark background.
*VT100*foreground: gray90
*VT100*background: black

Also, my TERM is:

$ echo $TERM

Thanks for any help.

Best Regards,


Carlo Florendo
Astra Philippines Inc.

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