Starting Xwin - Shell Window Remains

Baksik, Frederick (NM75)
Tue Aug 16 23:23:00 GMT 2005

> Hi,
> I'm able to start and use Xwin.  However, after the X server 
> is up, I need to manually close the cygwin bash window (the 
> one that started the X server).  I've checked the usual 
> places, but have not come up with a solution.
> This is probably more of a shell "scripting" question, but 
> since the solution I'm looking for is a "windows executable 
> (C:\cygwin\startxwin.bat) that I can drop into my StartUp 
> folder to automatically start Xwin" when I log in, here I am.
> Here's where I'm at thus far:
> 1.  C:\cygwin\startxwin.bat exists, and has the following contents:  
> @echo off
> c:
> chdir c:\cygwin\bin
> bash --login -i /usr/local/bin/myxwin
> 2.  /usr/local/bin/myxwin exists, and has the following contents:
> #!/usr/bin/bash
> #
> # Start the Cygwin X server, xwin
> echo Starting X server...
> # Succeeds, but must kill cygwin bash window manually nohup 
> xwin -multiwindow -clipboard -emulate3buttons >/dev/null 2>&1 &
> # Same as previous
> #(nohup xwin -multiwindow -clipboard -emulate3buttons 
> >/dev/null 2>&1 &) && exit
> # Same as previous
> #exec $(nohup xwin -multiwindow -clipboard -emulate3buttons 
> >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
> # have tried permutations of the above commands, without success.
> # odd, can't seem to find "fork" in cygwin.  errors occur, so 
> it's not a shell builtin.
> echo You can safely close this window
> # Also doesn't work - the PID no longer exists #kill -9 $$
> ----------
> Thanks in advance,
> -Brett

With the Cygwin/X X-startup-scripts-1.0.10-4 package the following batch
files were included:
C:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\startxdmcp.bat -- for XDMCP with another host

Both of these start Xwin and there is no cygwin bash window to close.
Note that the xstartxwin.bat file after starting Xwin also starts an Xterm.
The batch could be modified to not start the Xterm.

Apparently it has something to do with C:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\run.exe, but
I couldn't find much on this executable.


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