Using xauth with Cygwin-X

Baksik, Frederick (NM75)
Fri Aug 19 18:32:00 GMT 2005


> -----Original Message-----
> Subject: Re: Using xauth with Cygwin-X
> Frodak, thanks for the message.  Sorry for the slow reply, 
> but I've been out of town.
> I was aware of all the information in the User's Guide.  
> Using the xhost commands as recommended actually caused 
> problems with the Xserver on Solaris.  I tried the solution 
> you recommended.  I didn't get any error messages, but as you 
> mentioned it sometimes doesn't work and that was my 
> experience.  So I'm still looking for a solution.
> Larry Griffith

Sorry I'm really kind of confused on what it is you are trying to

xhost only contacts the display as set in the DISPLAY environment.

This is how I use the telnet / xhost solution when I'm at my PC.

in the standard Cygwin.bat bash shell
Note: This is nice because I can watch any Xserver errors get displayed in
the shell

then in the xterm that gets starting with the X server
2) xhost +nm75uw099 // this will allow the sun to connect to the Xserver
running in cygwin
3) telnet nm75uw099
4) setenv DISPLAY das-fbaksik:0.0 // I'm using tcsh on the Sun, das-fbaksik
is the cygwin/windows box
5) start running X applications from the shell, e.g gvim

Does this work?  It is not secure because anyone logged into nm75uw099 can
access the Xserver running on das-fbaksik, but it is a starting point.

Also, have you considered running a XDMCP connection?  I'm not sure what
you're security requirements are, but this provides a more secure connection
then just using telnet.  This way a MIT cookie is generated and added to
your .Xauthority file in your Sun account.  There is no messing with Xhost,
and those only with the MIT cookie can access the Xserver (which is still
cygwin X).

Sorry about the detailed directions, I just want to make sure we are talking
about the same thing.

Good luck,

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