xmkmf resuling in bad search path for std includes?

Thomas Chadwick j_tetazoo@hotmail.com
Tue Aug 30 13:57:00 GMT 2005

I'm cross-posting this to cygwin-xfree@cygwin.com, and cygwin@cygwin.com 
because, although it appears to be X-related, the root cause may turn out 
not to be.  Here's what's up...

I'm attempting to build an X-client from source.  I've done it many times 
before without a hitch, although the last time I did so was many, many 
months ago.  In the meantime, I've regularly run setup.exe to keep my Cygwin 
install up-to-date.

The process for building this X-client involves (1) running "xmkmf -a", 
which creates the Makefile and implicitly runs "make depend", and then (2) 
running "make all" to actually build the client.

I'm running into trouble at the "make depend" point in the process.  It's 
not finding a couple of include files.  Here's an example message:

makedepend: warning:  x2x.c (reading /usr/include/sys/unistd.h, line 13): 
find include file "stddef.h"
        not in /usr/X11R6/include/stddef.h
        not in /usr/local/lib/gcc-include/stddef.h
        not in /usr/include/stddef.h
        not in /usr/include/w32api/stddef.h
        not in /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.3/include/stddef.h

If I do "find / -name stddef.h" it returns the following:


As I see it, either xmkmf is setting up the wrong search path, or something 
is wrong with my gcc installation (since make depend is looking in 
3.3.3/include but the files are located in 3.4.4/include).

Attached is the result of running cygcheck.

Advice on how to proceed would be appreciated.


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