Copy and Paste between my PC and CygwinX

Soong, SylokeJ
Tue Aug 30 20:00:00 GMT 2005

Actually, cygwin does recognise my middle mouse button,
but as double click rather than paste.

That is handy because one has to be a superfast
double-clicker on Motif emulators, because no matter how
I modified Exceed,Reflection or cygwin/wmaker config
I am unable to have mouse double clicking behave as
fluently as if I am on a Sun workstation.

-----Original Message-----
While Reflection and Exceed would recognise my middle mouse button,
Cygwin would not.

So I decided to modify my Xwin startup with -emulate3buttons 
option. Which required me to emulate middle button by pressing
both L & R mouse buttons together.

Finally I found why my cygwin would not recognise the physical
middle mouse button.

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