scribus: cygjpeg-62.dll not found

Yaakov S (Cygwin Ports)
Sun Dec 11 03:52:00 GMT 2005

Christopher Faylor wrote:
> Sorry but it isn't up to Yaakov to decide if things that aren't part of
> the cygwin distribution are discussed here.  The fact that we advertise
> other people's cygwin efforts doesn't mean that we are automatically
> opening up the cygwin mailing list to discuss their efforts.

I agree, and I never said that they should be sent here.

Cygwin Ports is my (very large) private repository of packages which I 
have built, including the packages that I contribute to the distro. 
Those packages which aren't (yet) in the distro are usually due to any 
of the following reasons:

1) unsufficiently tested (like, right now, GNOME 2.12 is already there)
2) "queued up" due to dependencies not yet in the distro
3) not of general interest
4) lack of time

When I start seeing interest on these lists for something that I have on 
Cygwin Ports, that usually pushes me to ITP it; perl-Tk is a recent 
example.  I may do the same for scribus, once the issues with René are 
worked out.

And (before someone asks) wrt to the first scribus thread started by 
René, I only continued that discussion here since her problem has to do 
with qt3 itself, which I maintain *within* the distro.  It now appears 
that she may have found a regression in a recent snapshot due to that 
discussion too.

In any case, I'll try to clarify on my website about questions on my 
packages, etc.


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