Linking with additional libraries...

Alexander Gottwald
Tue Feb 8 15:30:00 GMT 2005

On Tue, 8 Feb 2005, Sebastian Haby wrote:

> Hey!
> I'm experimenting with some new stuff and have to add so that msimg32.dll is linked when building XWin.exe,
> tried to add it manually in Xserver/Makefile and Imakefile but it still complains about underfined references to functions.
> I also took a look in xc/config/cf/* but found nothing of interest.

Check how opengl32 is added to the link list.

BTW: What kind of chages are these? Icon/Image loading stuff? Please make sure
msimg32.dll is available on all target systems. Otherwise you'll have to resolve
the symbols dynamicly.

Ah, you're trying to use AlphaBlend? MSDN states these functions are available
in Windows 98 or Windows 2000 and later. But not in Windows 95 or NT. This 
definitly means you have to resolve the function dynamicly. Check how winprocarg.c
loads EnumDisplayMonitors.

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