Possibility of win32 executable on Cygwin/X

David Fraser davidf@sjsoft.com
Mon Feb 14 09:39:00 GMT 2005

Mike Morgan wrote:

>	I have been trying to come up with an answer to the following question
>through FAQs, google, and IRC, but to no avail. Its a simple question,
>but perhaps I am not asking/searching properly...
>	I wish to know if its possible to run a proper windows formatted
>executable file through the local X server somehow. I assume this would
>take an extra program to do properly.
>	My goal is to be able to run everything I do on my windows machine
>completely INSIDE of a KDE environment. This means that I could move the
>window around INSIDE the KDE desktop, from virtual desktop to virtual
>desktop, etc.
>	I know this is asking a lot, but if it is possible yet, I would LOVE to
>know; otherwise I would be willing to work on such a goal, developing
>for the Cygwin/X project(s)? Sorry, I don't know all that much about
>them yet, but I would be willing to learn. 
For information on this, see the win32-x11@sources.redhat.com mailing 
list archives, and search for cygpeace.
More information linked from here: http://sources.redhat.com/XOpenWin/

In short, its a great idea, and somebody got an initial version 
(cygpeace) working with an old cygwin, but it doesn't work with the 
current one.
But its not on topic for this mailing list, so please join the win32-x11 
mailing list if you are interested in pursuing this further (it'll take 
some work on your part)


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