resolution smaller than application

Igor Pechtchanski
Tue Jan 25 19:02:00 GMT 2005

Wrong list, redirecting...  Please remove <cygwin at cygwin dot com> from
any follow-ups.

On Mon, 24 Jan 2005, mpniel wrote:

> My Windows Xp resolution is smaller than the real Xwindows application
> resolution that i am running.
> So i get only a section of the Xwindows screen application.
> Is it possible to get all the real Xwindows screen on my Windows XP? or at
> least to pan with the mouse in order to see the hidden parts of the big
> screen? or to scale the real Xwindows size to my WIndows Xp size?

How are you invoking XWin?  Do you use the script?  If so,
XWin is invoked in multi-window mode, which uses the Windows screen as the
X screen.  Try invoking XWin directly, and giving it the -screen parameter
(see the man page for instructions on specifying the screen size), and
-scrollbars to allow resizing/scrolling.
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     |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'		Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
    '---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL	a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

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