question about using Cygwin/X from 2 WinXPpro logins

Bobby McNulty Junior
Wed Jan 26 10:11:00 GMT 2005

Banibrata Dutta wrote:

>I had installed Cygwin (including Cygwin/X) via the WinXPpro
>user="Administrator" (for the local machine). I can successfully do
>startx from this account, and do the usual Cygwin/X tasks from this,
>i.e. create xterms, do xhost+ etc. When i try to start Cygwin/X via
>the user="myself" which belongs to domain="MYDOMAIN", startx fails,
>saying that "xinit" could not be found. I did the following...
>export PATH=$PATH:/usr/X11/bin
>but this has no impact, i.e. no success yet.
>Anybody aware / has-clue as to what's up ? Any help would be appreciated.
try uninstalling and reinstalling under your account.

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