Problems with ALT_GR and minimized multiwindow xterm

Alexander Gottwald
Thu Jun 9 12:16:00 GMT 2005

On Thu, 9 Jun 2005, Dan Bruhn wrote:

> I forgot to mention that you need to change Windows keyboard layout under regional settings for the problem to apear. Using "-kxblayout" se is not enough.
> The easiest way is to just add the swedish layout and switch to that with the language bar while starting the cygwin session. That way you don't have to have se layout for you other sessions. 

I could reproduce it with the installed german layout too.

I does however seem to be related to something else too. I tried 
with a separatly started server used for debugging and could not 
reproduce this (latest CVS code, compiled for mingw) but I'm quite 
I saw this too some time ago. Anyway, since I now can reproduce this 
much more easily the chances are good I can find a solution.

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