redirecting sound

Brian Keener
Sun May 29 13:49:00 GMT 2005

Alexander Gottwald wrote:

>On Sat, 28 May 2005, Christopher Mark Conn wrote:
>>I'm using Cygwin/X on my Win2K laptop to connect to
>>my FreeBSD box and I'd like to redirect the sound
>>from Rhythmbox (or other music players on the FreeBSD
>>box) to the laptop.
>>Here is how I connect from the Win2K laptop:
>>   startx -> brings up an xterm
>>   ssh <bsd box> on the xterm
>>   run bsd commands on the xterm
>>I can do this easily but the music now comes out of
>>the speakers on the FreeBSD box. Since it's a wireless
>>connection I'm not always where the speakers are.
>>Thanks for any advice,
>ESound (or ESD) is designed for this purpose. I think it is available 
>as cygwin package. Check the documentation of that package on how to
>setup the sound forwarding.
>	ago
I have installed it and used it, it's not very complicated at all.  If 
you have any trouble getting it to work I'd be more than happy to give 
you a hand.

For some reason, it causes XMMS to lockup when I try to use ESD, but 
everything else seemed to work OK.


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