XEmacs error

only4 only4gmane@katamail.com
Tue Nov 29 18:25:00 GMT 2005

Gnuplot-mode is nice XEmacs mode for programming gnuplot scripts.

This is the situation:
XEmacs ported to cygwin ok.
Gnuplot ported to cygwin: ver 4:
gnuplot-mode: not ported. current version 0.60

This is not so bad, because an emacs_mode is lisp-like code to be compiled
by XEmacs and ported XEmacs is ready.
It seem to me feasible to get this "plugin" compiled in its language and use
it but...

After downloading gluplot-mode 0.60, ./configure, make... I get this XEmacs
specific error:

$ make EMACS=xemacs
test "." = "." || cp ./gnuplot.el .
xemacs -batch -q -no-site-file -l ./dot.el -f batch-byte-compile gnuplot.el
Compiling /home/me/gnuplot-mode.0.6.0-xemacs/gnuplot.el...
While compiling toplevel forms in file
  !! File error (("Cannot open load file" "comint"))
>>Error occurred processing gnuplot.el: Cannot open load file: comint

make: *** [gnuplot.elc] Error 1

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