Icon update .diff

Joe Krahn jkrahn@nc.rr.com
Sun Sep 4 22:45:00 GMT 2005

Colin Harrison wrote:
> Joe Krahn wrote:
>>When I use the CVS defaults, only multi-window mode is built, so I didn't
>> see the #ifdef XWIN_MULTIWINDOW code compiled. Why is only one version
>> built? Is it rootless mode that gets excluded?
> Mystery to me..the code is loaded with many ifdef's, the use of which is
> probably 'just-in-case' legacy stuff.
> Loosing a few as things are changed is maybe a good idea now.
I was wondering about things like global icons (g_hIcon) which are 
#ifdef'ed in shared code to be used with XWIN_MULTIWINDOW, yet only the 
multiwindow code sets these icons.

I guess there's a need for a round of overall code clean up. But, it 
works right now, so the incentive is small.

It seems to me that it needs:

1) A review of globals, with true globals being made uniform across the 
root-window[less] modes, and other not-so-globals made non-global.

2) Get rid of unused 'legacy' #ifdef code.

3) Decide if Win95/Me/NT/2000 need continued support.

4) Reorganize files: get rid of the common win- prefix, and replace 
mode-specific prefixes with a directory, so "xwin/winmultiwindowicons.c" 
becomes "xwin/multiwindow/icons.c".

I think these could be done successfully without too much effort. But, 
these need some maintainer decisions first.


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