Emacs problem after rebaseall: some progresses?

Charles Wilson cygwin@cwilson.fastmail.fm
Fri Sep 16 17:09:00 GMT 2005

Angelo Graziosi wrote:

> After the new release of rebase-2.4-1, the problem remains 
>                            BUT
> this time reinstalling, with "setup", ONLY the
> package libncurses7 (whose current release is 5.3-4), 
> EMACS works again!
> Rebasing all and then reinstalling a package that has just rebased :
> is it a valid procedure? 

Sure, this is fine.

But what you're really saying is that one of the dlls in libncurses7 
used by xemacs


is not rebase-able.  I'm not clear on the history; there was a time when 
a number of DLLs were considered "not rebase-able" but I don't remember 
why, or whether the issue was ever fixed (in rebase.exe, or in the DLLs 

*I* wonder, if xemacs were rebuilt against the CURRENT ncurses libraries 
(libncurses8), would it still have similar problems -- e.g. would you 
need to rebaseall and then reinstall libncursesEIGHT?

If so, it's a problem I need to track down, as the ncurses maintainer. 
If not, then the XEmacs maintainer should simply release a new version, 
recompiled against the new ncurses.


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