Pseudo Colors on Solaris
Wed Sep 21 18:30:00 GMT 2005


A little more info.  I can very the color numbers in rgb.txt and the
colors in my xterm windows will change.  :)
The colors in my solaris window do not change.  :(  I used an app that
came with AutoIT to verify colors in the windows.  When I slide the
mouse over something red in a xterm window the app showed me the color
number.  I can change the '255 0 0' in rgb.txt to '255 40 40' and the
app will show '255 40 40'.  But in the solaris window, '255 0 0' always
reads '255 0 0' no mater what I change in rgb.txt. 
Am I shooting in the right (or left) direction or do xwindow calls from
an outside unix box not use color maps or settings on the localhost?
Thanks for any direction or kind words.

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