
Nellis, Kenneth knellis@idirect.net
Thu Aug 3 17:54:00 GMT 2006

In my installation, which isn't the latest because the latest broke
startxwin.bat for me, the X server program is /usr/X11R6/bin/XWin.exe
and startxwin.bat, which starts it, is in the same directory.
--Ken Nellis
-----Original Message-----
From: Nicola Ritter [mailto colon nritter at global dot net dot au] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 8:02 PM
To: cygwin-xfree at cygwin dot com
Subject: xserver


I just installed the latest version of cygwin, including all the X11 stuff 
on a new machine.
But unlike last time, an XServer did not install on my desktop and I cannot 
find it anywhere in the cygwin directories.
What did I miss, or where is it?

Many thanks
Nicola Ritter 

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