xorg-x11-bin-dlls maintainer (ImageMagick problems)

Alan Hourihane alanh@fairlite.demon.co.uk
Thu Aug 17 21:00:00 GMT 2006

On Thu, 2006-08-17 at 21:11 +0200, Reini Urban wrote:
> Dear xorg-x11-bin-dlls maintainer,
> When do you plan to fix the broken ImageMagic package by providing the 
> three dll's which are not included anymore in the latest package?
> The ImageMagick maintainer may add this new compatibility package to his 
> require line then.
> dll's cannot be just silently deleted.
> required for ImageMagick at least:
>    usr/X11R6/bin/cygdps-1.dll
>    usr/X11R6/bin/ygdpstk-1.dll
> usr/X11R6/bin/cygpsres-1.dll :
>    dont know which package requires this.

The fact is that X.Org themselves have removed DPS support from future
X11 releases because only client side libraries where ever available,
and no server-side support. Additionally, I understand that Adobe has
dropped DPS anyway.

It could be moved to a compatibility package though as you say.

But I understand that ImageMagick can be built with --with-dps=no and it
would use ghostscript to deal with it's postscript rendering. It may
even use ghostscript by default and never actually use DPS, but only if
ghostscript isn't available, then use DPS. 

So I'd suggest rebuilding ImageMagick with --with-dps=no.


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