-silent-dup-error command line parameter not working?

Randy Brown Randy.Brown@noaa.gov
Wed Dec 6 14:59:00 GMT 2006

Run the xserver as a Windows Service.  That fixed it for us.  Didn't fix 
it, but eliminated the error. ;)


David Weintraub wrote:
> I've been using Cygwin/X for several years, and I never had this
> problem before. However, I've recently installed Cygwin/X on my new
> system, and now I notice that XWin's -silent-dup-error command line
> parameter no longer seems to work.
> I startup Cygwin/X by creating a Windows shortcut that runs
> startxwin.bat. This will startup a XTerm window for me. When I want to
> start another XTerm window, I simply the same shortcut again even
> though XWin is already running. I depend upon the -silent-dup-error
> parameter to allow the second instance of XWin to fail without
> alerting me of the problem.
> However, on this new installation of Cygwin/X and run XWin with
> -silent-dup-error, I now get the error dialog box. The new Xterm still
> starts, but now I have to manually close the dialog box which is a
> minor pain. Has there been a change in XWin in the last 18 months that
> would cause this problem? Is there a workaround?
> How can I, in a Windows batch program, determine whether XWin is
> already running, so I can simply skip bypass rerunning the XWin
> command?

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