-silent-dup-error command line parameter not working?

Larry Hall (Cygwin X) reply-to-list-only-lh-x@cygwin.com
Fri Dec 8 03:36:00 GMT 2006

<http://cygwin.com/acronyms/#TOFU>.  Reformatted.
Randy Brown wrote:
> Sergei Pachkov wrote:
>> Can you shortly describe start xserver as service?
> Running it as a service basically does not require starting, or 
> attempting to start, an Xserver each time you open a window.  The 
> service runs continually in the background and listens for connections.  
> The procedure is relatively simple:
> Create an environment variable:
> CYGWIN = server
>  From a cygwin terminal window run:
> /usr/bin/cygserver-config  (Answer "yes" to the prompt and reboot)
> Then you can add Startxwin.bat, for example, to your startup folder so 
> The Xserver starts at boot.

For anyone out there that might be unsure, the procedure described above
does *not* start Cygwin's X-server as a service.  It starts Cygwin's
'cygserver' <http://cygwin.com/cygwin-ug-net/using-cygserver.html> as
a service.  This service is not required to run the X-server.

The Cygwin X-server is started just as one would manually but automates
it by putting it in the startup folder.  Things started from this folder
are not services, though it is a perfectly good way to start the X-server

For those that don't care about the distinction or the details, please
forget what I just said. ;-)

Larry Hall                              http://www.rfk.com
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd.                          (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746

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