Mutex lock failure: Resource deadlock avoided

Yaakov S (Cygwin Ports)
Thu Feb 2 02:37:00 GMT 2006

René Berber wrote:
> Right forum for qt3, wrong forum for kde.
> The distinction is that qt3 is an official Cygwin package while KDE is from the
> Cygwin Ports project.

Actually, I've just started working on KDE again with 3.5.1, but I never 
got as far as kwrite.  This is probably from the KDE-Cygwin project, and 
I have no idea how and if their KDE packages (which are mostly old) work 
with our Qt3.

> The error after "Resource deadlock avoided" is probably meaningless.  My
> experience with Scribus is that the application silently ended, another (QT3's
> uic) deadlocked.
> The solution I found for Scribus was to recompile QT with debug enabled, the
> package building failed but the library was produced.  Using that QT library
> results in Scribus working fine... but with uic is another story, a very strange
> story: sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
> I haven't debug any further but with gdb it looks like it's a thread problem
> (the problem seems to be in some inline C++ code that is difficult to work
> with).  So another solution could be to build QT with no thread support (if that
> makes sense and works).

Most packages nowadays require a threaded Qt, including KDE, so this 
isn't very practical.


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